Remember my #365selfie?

Yeah…I didn’t expect you to. I haven’t forgotten though and I’ve been chugging along like the little engine that could (i just read that again the other night…so cute!) and taking pictures of myself everyday! I came to my blog to check out when I last posted was and…sigh…it was in May, but it was for my FEBRUARY #365selfie update. Gah! I wasn’t planning on getting this behind.

So now I’m trying to decide if it’d be better to do a massive update of March-July and then catch up with August and September in their own posts, or not. I was gone for June and July…so those will be interesting European pictures…but it’s hard to think about doing a post for each month. Maybe I will just do one a day for the next few days and then I’ll be happy when I go back to it in years to come. Maybe, ideally….you know the best part though? It IS possible because I’m pretty good at writing a caption for each picture, so it shouldn’t be that hard to try to remember what happened each week. And even though right now I’m thinking it’s too much work and not even worth it…i think I’ll do it. Who knows, maybe in a few years Instagram will go out of style, it’ll shut down, and all my memories will be lost. But not if I “transcribe” (in a way) those memories here.

I think I convinced myself. So keep an eye out, I’m going to start compiling those pictures to write these posts and then you’ll have to bear with me and the spamming of them 🙂

Have a lovely day folks!


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